Category: Announcements

Changes in Corona Measures

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has indicated a review of the concept of wearing masks and other measures. Shohei Juku will also change its measures from 1...

End-of-Year Training

We will have the year-end practice under the guidance of Morito Suganuma-sensei as follows. Thursday, December 29th Friday, December 30 10:30 – 12:00 Tenjin Dojo Fee: 2,200 yen/day Please cooperate...

About Morito Suganuma’s Jubilee Celebration Event

As previously announced, on November 23rd, we will cancel the annual “Joint Training” (hosted by Shoheijuku) and hold the “Suganuma Morito Sensei Jubilee Celebration Event” (hosted by the Caretaker Committee)....