Shoheijuku Newsletter March 2025
Published · Updated
Two months until Embukai
As they say “Time flies faster than an arrow,” it is March already this year. We have only two months left until the embukai.
With the organizing committee chair, Takato Kanado, all the committee members are getting into gear to make the embukai fulfilling and enjoyable for everyone.
This year, especially, we have invited Doshu, Moriteru Ueshiba Sensei to the embukai.
I would appreciate everyone’s cooperation.
Harima Shoheijuku
On Saturday, February 1st, the seminar and examination for Harima Shoheijuku (Mr. Toshihiro Horiuchi, Dojo Rep) were held at the Takasago City General Gymnasium.
Approximately 60 people attended including people from some nearby dojos as well as Kyushu University alumni.
After the events, we enjoyed drinking and chatting at a party.
Workshop for Beginners
On February 11th (a public holiday), we had a workshop for beginners at Tenjin Dojo which was for beginners and white-belt holders.
We covered preparatory exercises, basic individual movements, and basic techniques.
We had twenty participants including people from Yamaguchi and Kumamoto as well as elementary and junior high school students and a person over 80 years old.
Embukai Commemorating the 55th Anniversary of Morito Suganuma Shihan in Kyushu
Date: May 3rd, 2025 (a public holiday)
Place: Fukuoka Budokan
On February 19th, Mr. Mineo Shinohara who was a Fukuoka Dojo member passed away at the age of 77.
Mr. Shinohara was the Auditor of Shoheijuku as a nonprofit organization for many years.
May he rest in peace.
Events in March
1 – Student Alliance New Directors Seminar
6 – Omuta Dojo (Fujioka)
8 – Onga Dojo 10th Anniversary (Suganuma)
9 – Dan/Kyu Examination (Tenjin Dojo)
– Prefectural Association General Meeting
– Instructors’ Meeting
10 – Dan/Kyu Examination (Takasago Dojo)
13 – Koga Dojo (Yamada)
15 – Hibiki Dojo (Yamada)
16 – Zazenkai (Suganuma)
16 – Kokura Kita Dojo (Yamada)
17 – Kasuya Shoheijuku (Kido)
20 – Chikugo Area (Suganuma)}
21 – Fukuma Dojo (Fujioka)
21 – Onojo Shoheijuku (Suganuma)
22 – Student Alliance Exam (Katsuhiko)
23 – Kochi Prefecture Aikido Group (Suganuma)
25 – Fukuma Ladies (Fujioka)
26 – Saga Shoheijuku (Fujioka)
27 – Kurume Dojo (Fujioka)
27 to April 1 – Vancouver Seminar (Yamada)
28 – Onojo Shoheijuku (Katsuhiko)
29 – Tosu Shoheijuku (Suganuma)
30 – Beppu Dojo (Nakamuara)